Obsolete: Pre-GitHub Code reviews

The following became obsolete in 2018-July when we moved to git on GitHub.

Typically we commit changes and set a reviewer in the ticket. The reviewer follows the "Review" link on the Trac ticket page to find the associated changesets and their diffs. The problem is that reviews are often done weeks or months after the changes, the author is out of context, and feedback is done via copy/paste into email.

Sometimes we commit changes to branches and iterate with a reviewer before merging the complete work onto the trunk. This makes for better timing and feedback.

Ideally, we would get code reviewed before committing it, and make it easy to refer to a line of code and add comments to it. Code reviews would block commits, but that would motivate us to get them done quickly. Experience shows that easy and immediate feedback leads to more thorough reviews and better code.

Rietveld is an online code review tool that lets us do pre-commit code reviews: http://code.google.com/p/rietveld/

It takes a little thought and setup to send a change for code review, but it's really easy for the reviewer.

Update October 2017

(Shane) I have made a couple contributions to the Rietveld project, but as of yet they haven't been merged. #556 fixes a bug arising from a recent update to SVN, and #558 adds a new --svn_changelist flag to the tool to allow you to upload only a certain changelist for review in the tool. The changelist feature allows you to select only certain files for review and commit, which can be helpful if you have multiple changes in the same client or if you have local changes that you don't want to commit, such as IDE settings.

Update May 2015

(Andy) Update from below:

The update.py script has been updated. Download the latest from http://codereview.appspot.com/static/upload.py

--internal-diff is now the default, meaning that no diff options should be required.

Password authentication no longer seems to work, but the --oauth2 option to upload.py works well, at least for google accounts. When using OAuth2 the script will open a browser window asking permission to use your account to send mail.

The command I use for reviewing changes from an svn branch:

cd dir-with-committed-changes

upload.py --send_mail --oauth2 -m "description of changes" --rev=revision-of-branch-creation:HEAD -r reviewer1@gmail.com,reviewer2@gmail.com...

Update 2014

(Markus) Update from below:

First, when using svn, make sure that the svn diff program is the default text-to-stdout diff. upload.py should use the --internal-diff option but does not, and will create empty diffs if the svn diff program is a graphical one.

    • You can add " -- diff_options" to the upload.py command line.

      • With a reasonably modern svn, you can append " -- --internal-diff".

      • If your svn is old enough to not understand --internal-diff, you should be able to use " -- --diff-cmd diff".

    • You could temporarily modify your ~/.subversion/config file by commenting out your custom diff-cmd.

When specifying the base URL, it is probably better to use http:// rather than svn+ssh:// to avoid requiring authentication.

You need to be a registered user of Rietveld.

It is apparently not possible any more to create a new issue from the Rietveld web UI. You must use upload.py.

Sample actual Linux command line for creating a code review issue from committed svn branch changes for ticket #10939 "ICU4J optionally read data from .dat and .res": (I obfuscated the reviewer email address below.)

~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src$ ~/Downloads/rietveld/upload.py -t 'ICU ticket #10939: ICU4J optionally read data from .dat and .res' --base_url http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu4j/branches/markus/mapdata/ -r reviewer@example.com -m 'branch code complete at r36098' --send_mail --rev 36076:36098

For some reason, this takes a few minutes. It will eventually ask for your Rietveld user email address & password.

This created Patch Set 1 of http://codereview.appspot.com/121870043

I then made code review changes in r36102 and updated the review issue with the following. Note that this time I provided the issue number (-i) and the --internal-diff option, and I dropped the issue title (-t) and reviewer (-r) options to keep those as is.

~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src$ ~/Downloads/rietveld/upload.py -i 121870043 --base_url http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu4j/branches/markus/mapdata/ -m 'code review changes r36102' --send_mail --rev 36076:36102 -- --internal-diff

This created Patch Set 2 of http://codereview.appspot.com/121870043

Sample actual Linux command line for creating a code review issue from pending trunk changes (not committed yet) for ticket #11341 "getByteBufferFromInputStream() can be very inefficient": (I obfuscated the email addresses below but kept the diff options.)

~/svn.icu4j/trunk/src$ ~/Downloads/rietveld/upload.py -t 'ICU ticket #11341: getByteBufferFromInputStream() can be very inefficient' --base_url http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu4j/trunk -r yoshito_umaoka@example.com --cc andy.heninger@example.com -m 'check InputStream.read()<0 for end of stream, not available()==0' --send_mail -- --internal-diff

This created Patch Set 1 of http://codereview.appspot.com/155570043

ICU4C example for creating a code review issue from pending trunk changes (not committed yet):

~/svn.icu/trunk/src$ ~/Downloads/rietveld/upload.py -t 'ICU ticket #11336: UnicodeString: recombine stack buffer arrays' --base_url http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu/trunk -r andy.heninger@gmail.com --cc srl@icu-project.org -m 'recombine stack buffer arrays; one int16_t for short length & flags' --send_mail -- --internal-diff

--> http://codereview.appspot.com/178970043

Instructions 2012

The following is a write-up from Maxime Serrano, a Google intern hosted in the summer of 2012 by Markus Scherer:

My usage of rietveld

Rietveld is a code review tool with a relatively simple interface. It allows users to upload commits-in-progress for review, and reviewers to attach comments to specific lines of a diff. [...]

The interface for creating a commit is very simple: rietveld provides a python script, called upload.py, which you simply run from within the root of your checkout. Effectively, if I've checked out the ICU trunk into ~/icu, I would want to:

$ cd ~/icu

before running the script. In general I keep upload.py in my home directory, so that running it is as simple as

$ python ~/upload.py

The script will then run the appropriate diff command (generally, git diff or svn diff) and create a changeset for you. It will prompt you for a name for your changeset, as well as for an AppEngine username (or gmail address) and password. From there, it should produce a link for you that your changeset will be there.

If this does not work - and it is occasionally spotty - there exists an interface within rietveld that will accept a more general diff file. To use it, simply run:

$ svn diff > out.diff


$ git diff > out.diff

and navigate to the "Create issue" tab of rietveld in order to upload the diff. rietveld will ask you for a "base URL." This should be the URL that you checked the project out from - unless this is not a URL that rietveld can check out without permissions, in which case you should provide the "public" checkout URL.

For example: when I check out a copy of ICU that I want write permissions with, I would use the URL svn+ssh://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu/trunk . However, rietveld does not have my private key - and so it cannot authenticate to this URL. Therefore, I have to provide it with the public version: http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu/trunk - in order for it to be able to properly download the base files and display the diff.

Once you have created a first diff, if you'd like to respond to comments, you can simply upload a new changeset to the same rietveld issue. To do so, navigate to your checkout root again, and then run:

$ python ~/upload.py -i <number>

where <number> is the number of your issue. It can be found in the URL of your issue: for example, the issue at http://codereview.appspot.com/6443126/ has issue number 6443136.

upload.py will prompt you for a name for this changeset - this does not need to be the same as the name of the issue. From there, your reviewers will be able to add comments to the updated diff (and see the differences between this diff and the previous one) as normal.